Possible Lesson Plan:
Add Samuel to your timeline.
True False
Hannah was given a son by God. Hannah had lots of children.
Hannah’s son was named Samuel. Hannah’s son was named John.
Samuel’s father was Elkanah. Samuel’s father was Eli.
Samuel lived in the temple. Samuel lived in the desert.
Eli was the priest in the temple. Noah was the priest in the temple.
God spoke to Samuel. Samuel hated God.
5. Hannah brought Samuel a coat, or tunic, each year. Make a tunic for our next play: Take a piece of fabric (e.g. muslin) 1 yard wide and 2 yards long for each child. You can also use a bath towel, or even a T-shirt with neck hole already provided. Fold it in half and cut a hole for the head with a slit for the neck. Tie it in the center with a piece of clothesline or cloth ribbon for a belt. Decorate your tunic with fabric markers or Sharpies.
Too big a project? Make a spoon puppet wearing a tunic. Take a wooden spoon and draw a face and hair on it with markers. Attach arms of pipe cleaner by wrapping tightly just below face and bend into circle at end for hand. Dress in a robe that ties tightly around the waist with pipe cleaner or ribbon for belt. The robe is just a piece of fabric or felt, cut in a longish rectangle (depending on size of spoon) and slit for the head to go thru halfway up.
6. Close with prayer.