Students should identify the water into wine as Jesus’s first miracle.
- Students should know the word “miracle” and what it means.
- Students should recognize that the wedding at Cana is part of our wedding service.
Possible Lesson Plans:
- Open with prayer.
- Scripture Reference: John 2:1-11. Why was Jesus in Cana? Who asked him to supply more wine? How was the wine supplied? Remind the students that this was Jesus’s first miracle.
- Discussion: What is a miracle? How do we recognize that a miracle has occurred? Does nature follow a common pattern? Apples fall down, grapes turn to wine, etc. If an apple flew up or water turned to wine, people would notice. Why? What were some types of miracles Jesus did? Brainstorm a bit – healing, raising people from the dead, casting out demons, changing nature. Watch for these in later lessons.
- Talk a bit about weddings. What are the parts of an Orthodox wedding service? (Betrothal, Crowning, Prokeimenon, Gospel, Procession, Cup of wine, Removal of crowns) What happens after the ceremony? (reception/party) What’s a party like? What do you like to have at a party? What might adults like to have? What would it be like to run out of drinks with all those guests?
- Usually, there’s singing and dancing at a Jewish wedding. Enjoy some of the dances you learned last week at movie night.
- Play a learning game: “Quotations”. Read quotations from the Scripture passage and have the students identify the speaker. For example:
“Fill the waterpots with water.” Jesus
“They have no wine.” Mary
“You have kept the good wine until now.” Steward
“Whatever He says to you, do it.” Mary
“My hour has not yet come.” Jesus
“Draw some now and take it to the headwaiter.” Jesus

- Make The Steward’s Clay Pots: Take any sort of clay; they sell some nice Mexican reddish air-dry clay at most craft stores. Children love to make things of clay. Try making a pot shaped like a vase. It’s ok to paint on air-dry clay with acrylic paint even before drying if you want to decorate your pots. If you’re able to get a waterproof clay, the pots can be used as vases; otherwise, warn the children to use only silk flowers.
- Close with prayer.