- Children should be able to tell the story of Gideon – the meat offering, the fleece, the choosing of the men, and the battle.
- Children should understand the need to trust in God in all things.
Possible Lesson Plan:
- Open with prayer.
- Tell the story of Gideon from the Beginner’s Bible, pages 140-145, Children’s Bible Reader, pages 109, 112-114, + the Golden Children’s Bible, pages 192-194 and the Read with Me Bible, pages 152-155. Use all especially to hear about the fleece, which is in the Golden Children’s Bible.
Add Gideon to your timeline.

- Feed the Elephant True/False questions:
True False
God spoke to Gideon with a fleece. God spoke to Gideon with a crystal ball.
Gideon chose the men who lapped. Gideon took all the men for his army.
God sent fire to the meat and cakes. God rained on the meat and cakes.
Gideon won the battle with lamps. God killed the Midianites with lightning.
- Give each child a bowl of water. How would he drink without lifting it?

- Make a coil pot with a candle:
Take self-hardening clay (not flammable).
Flatten a ball of clay into a base.
Make long snakes of clay and coil into
a pot.
Put a tea-lite candle inside and let it dry.
- Pretend to sleep while the children surround you with candle-pots and trumpets (See Joshua lesson.) See if they can surprise you awake!
- Close with prayer.