- Children should be able to tell the story of the paralytic and his four friends.
- Children should know that Jesus can forgive sins because He is God.
Possible Lesson Plan:
- Open with prayer.
- Read the story of the paralytic in the Beginner’s Bible, pages 328-333, the Children’s Bible Reader, page 187, or the Read with Me Bible, pages 3003-303. Supplement with the Golden Children’s Bible, page 370, or the Arch Book, “The Lame Man Who Walked,” if desired. What does “paralytic” mean? Where was Jesus? Where were the friends with the man? How did they get into the house? What did Jesus do? Say? What happened? How do you think the man felt? His friends?
- Feed the Elephant True/False Questions:
True False
The paralytic man could not walk. The paralytic man could not see.
There was a big crowd around Jesus. Jesus was all alone in the house.
The man’s friends cut a hole in the roof. The friends went in the window.
Jesus forgave the man’s sins. Jesus told the friends to carry the
Jesus healed the man and he could walk. man back home.
- Talk a bit about disabilities: What would it be like to be a paralytic? Lie on the floor and pretend you can’t move your arms or legs at all. Can you walk? Can you eat? Can you brush your teeth? What would it be like to be blind? Close your eyes or turn out the lights. Pass around several familiar objects – a pencil, a crayon, a brush, a rubber band, etc. Can you identify them? What would it be like to be deaf? Try talking to each other by only moving the lips. Can you understand each other? Would you want to be healed?
Who forgives sins? Jesus said something unusual to the paralytic before he healed him. What did He say? The Prodigal Son asked for forgiveness; did the paralytic? We all can forgive each other. Tonight, in church, we’ll be celebrating Forgiveness Sunday. We’ll go from one to another asking forgiveness and being forgiven. Demonstrate and practice with the class how to do the sign of the Cross and a bow and to ask forgiveness. But, only one person can forgive us all our sins. Who is that? When Jesus told the paralytic that his sins were forgiven, Jesus was claiming to be Whom? And, when the paralytic walked, Jesus proved that He was indeed God!
- Make the Paralytic Man’s (Place)Mat: Take a piece of construction paper and cut slits vertically. Cut strips of a contrasting color of paper. Tape a strip down for the child and show him how to weave it in and out to the other end. Tape again. Repeat until the center is fully woven. Cover with Contac paper and use as a placemat. Can you tell the story from the mat’s point of view?
- We are now entering Lent. Use the Lenten Path to color your journey:

- Close with prayer.