- Children should be able to identify this story as a parable of Jesus.
- Children should be able to tell the story in their own words.
- Children should have an understanding of what makes a good neighbor.
Possible Lesson Plan:
- Open with prayer. Use the Lord’s Prayer. Recite it a couple of times for memory practice.
- Read the story of the Good Samaritan in the Beginner’s Bible, pages 379-384, the Children’s Bible Reader, page 202, or the Read with Me Bible, pages 324-328. Supplement, if desired, with the Golden Children’s Bible, pages 412-413. Review the meaning of a parable, a story with a hidden meaning. Why did Jesus tell this story? What happened to the man in the story? Was the priest a good neighbor to this man? The Levite? Why or why not? Was the Samaritan man a good neighbor to the hurt man? Why?
- Feed the Elephant True/False Questions:
True False
The man was traveling to Jericho. The man was traveling to Bethlehem.
The man was hurt by robbers. The man had a safe and boring trip.
The priest passed the man without helping. The priest helped the man.
The Samaritan man helped the hurt man. The Samaritan hated the hurt man.
- Discuss the concept of “neighbor”: Ask the children who are their neighbors. After a listing of friends and neighbors, try to expand their focus. Is the homeless man in the street who smells bad and is dirty also a neighbor? Is the child who steals their lunch money also a neighbor? Is the boy who hits them on the playground also a neighbor? Did Jewish people usually like Samaritans? Did Samaritans usually like Jewish people? Was it easy for this Samaritan man to care for the Jewish man? Is it always easy to love other people and to do good things for them? Is there someone you find particularly difficult to love? Can you do something nice for them as a good neighbor?
Make a Good Samaritan Story Wheel: Take 2 paper plates. Cut a wedge from one 1/5 of the circumference of the plate. Copy the figures on the next page and cut to fit the plate. Color in class and glue into the uncut plate. Attach the other plate with a brad. Now you can spin the opening, telling the story picture by picture. Practice in class, being sure each child can tell the story.
- Close with prayer. Have each child think of a particular person who is hard to love and pray for that person and plan something nice for that person.