- Children should be able to tell the story of Jesus and the woman at the well.
- Children should be able to say the word, “evangelism” and know that it means telling people about Jesus.
Possible Lesson Plan:
- Open with prayer.
- Read the story of the woman at the well in Children’s Stories of the Bible pages 154-157 or The Zondervan Bible Storybook (2 copies total) on page 246. It is not in the Read with Me or the Children’s Bible. Don't have those books? Here's the story in a nutshell:The Story of the Woman at the Well

Why was Jesus at the well? Where were the disciples? What was the woman doing? What did Jesus say to her? What did she do? The woman at the well is remembered as a saint to this day; her name is St. Photini. Have the children repeat the name a few times. What are their names?
- Feed the Elephant True/False Questions:
True False
Jesus was sitting at a well. Jesus was sitting in his car.
A woman came to draw water. A woman came to buy a goat.
She went and told everyone to come. She went home for a nap.
- Talk a bit about evangelism: Say the word and repeat it until the children know it. What does it mean? Was that what the woman at the well did? Was she excited to tell her friends what Jesus had said? Is there anyone you know who does not know about Jesus? Have you told them? Why or why not?
Make Good News Telephones: Take 2 paper cups and a length of string for each child. Decorate or color the cups, or write Good News on each. Poke a small hole in the bottom of each cup and slip string through and knot. Can you speak into one cup and hear in the other; be sure the string is pulled taut.
- Close with prayer. Lord Jesus, make me so excited that I want to tell everyone about you, like the woman at the well.