- Children should be able to name the four fishermen.
- Children should be able to tell the story of the miracle of the full nets.
- Children should be able to say the word “disciple” and know that Jesus’s disciples were His closest followers.
Possible Lesson Plan:
- Open with prayer. After praying, get out some little pretzels, icing colored blue, and goldfish crackers. As you read, children can dab blue icing on their "nets" and stick a "fish" in the "net" and eat their catch.
- Read the story of the calling of the fishermen in the Beginner’s Bible, pages 308-310, the Children’s Bible Reader, pages 182-184, the Read with Me Bible, pages 290-293, or the Golden Children’s Bible. When did Jesus first meet Andrew? (He was a follower of John the Baptist.) Why is Andrew called the “First-called”? Who was Andrew’s brother? (Simon, later named Peter by Jesus) Who were the sons of Zebedee, also brothers? (James and John) What do you think Peter said when he saw all those fish in his net? Why did the fishermen give up fishing to follow Jesus?
- Feed the Elephant True/False Questions:
True False
Andrew was the first called. Peter was the first called.
Peter and Andrew were brothers. Peter and John were brothers.
James and John were sons of Zebedee. Peter & James were sons of Zebedee.
- Talk a bit about being a disciple. What is a disciple? Repeat the word until the children know it. Jesus had 12 close disciples, but many followers. What did the fishermen have to do to become Jesus’s disciples? Did they enjoy fishing? How do you think they felt leaving their homes and families? Was it easy being a disciple? We are also Jesus’s disciples. What does Jesus ask us to do? Is it always easy?

- Begin to list and memorize the 12 disciples: Peter and Andrew, James and John, Matthew, Philip and Nathaniel Bartholomew, Simon the Zealot, James (the Less), (Doubting) Thomas, Judas, and Judas Iscariot.
- Make Mitten Fish: Take a children’s mitten. Cut tail and fins from felt and glue or staple on. Use 2 tails, one stapled on each side and fins glued together for maximum stability. Use either wiggle eyes or felt eyes. Have the children use their fish in retelling the story.
- Alternate craft: Fishers of Men -- Take 2 large craft sticks and print the Scripture verse with Sharpie. Cut 1 square of netting for each student like on a bag of onions or box of fruit. Glue figures of 4 fishermen and some fish to the net and the net to the craft sticks and decorate with fish stickers if desired. Glue or staple a pipe cleaner across the top for a hanger.
Close with prayer.