AGES 3-5
This file is provided as a resource for Church School directors. Feel free to plug in your own dates and your own teachers.
Date |
Lesson/Activity |
Teacher |
Special Notes |
September 12
18 19
Nativity of Theotokos/ Presentation of Theotokos
Movie Night Annunciation
Birth of John the Baptist
Outdoor, Parish-wide |
October 3
23 24
Nativity of Our Lord
Meeting of Our Lord
The Three Kings
Movie Night Flight to Egypt
Nazareth and the Temple/ All Saints Party
Memory Work: St. Simeon’s Prayer
Operation Christmas Child due Dress as favorite gospel character |
November 7
20 21
Temptations of Jesus
Movie Night Wedding at Cana
Calling of the Fishermen
Memory : Troparion Jar Decorating
Jewish Dancing
Memory Work: Four Fishermen |
December 4 5
26 |
St. Nicholas Festival Calling of Matthew
Woman at the Well
Christmas Pageant
Sermon on the Mount |
10 AM-1 PM in hall
Memory Work: 1st Beatitude |
January 2
15 16
Walking on Water/Calming of Storm
Feeding of 5000
Movie Night Transfiguration
The Good Samaritan
Parable of the Sower |
Canned Goods 3 Kings Party
Health Kits |
February 6
27 |
Prodigal Son
Last Judgment |
Homeless Bags
March 5 6
Movie Night Forgiveness/Paralytic
Palm Sunday
Antiochian Art Contest
April 2 3
24 25
30 |
Marathon Movie Night Last Supper
PASCHA: No Church School Easter Egg Hunt
Rehearsal for Passion Plan/Musical |
Memory Work: “Christ is Risen” in 3 languages
May 1
29 |
Passion Play/Musical
Doubting Thomas
Camping Trip Ages 6-12
Myrrh-bearing Women
Road to Emmaeus
For Parish/Public???
Piggy Banks Due |
June 5
19 |
Lord’s Prayer |
Memory Work: Lord’s Prayer Awards Ceremony |
Classroom supplies: Each class is supplied with the following items:
Paper plates, small and large Scissors Stapler/Staples
Paper, plain and construction Tape and dispenser Paper bags
Glue or glue sticks Crayons and/or markers Cotton Balls
Popsicle sticks Chenille (colored pipe cleaners) Sharpies
If you use the last of something, please either replace it or let me know so I can replace it. If you need special craft supplies for your lesson, submit the receipt to me for reimbursement.
Books are available for class use. While each child in the younger classes will have a copy of the Beginner’s Bible, and it’s always fun to start out in your very own Bible book, many times we must supplement with the teacher’s copies of the Children’s Bible Reader, Read with Me Bible, Golden Children’s Bible, or other books. Watch the lesson plan for page numbers and details. Each has strengths and weaknesses: Children’s Bible Reader is Orthodox but no longer in print, First Bible has great pictures but not much content, Golden Bible has the most content and lovely pictures but way too long, etc. And not a one has ALL of the stories we need.
Teaching Schedule: We all know that there will be last-minute needs; trade with someone if you cannot teach on your assigned day and let the director know!
Insurance: Each of us must “apply” each year for our volunteer position of teacher. Please be sure not to send small children to the bathroom unattended and accompany your charges back to the Social Hall after class.
Opening Exercises: The Church School director will supervise this time, or delegate it when she is absent. Church School children and teachers are dismissed first from Liturgy; children come straight across for snack during opening exercises. These are an integral part of the curriculum – reviewing material from previous weeks, presenting additional Old Testament characters, rehearsing plays, hearing memory work, and playing quiz games.
Curriculum: With each lesson, I have included True/False questions. If you have any 3-5-year-olds, make your classroom elephant now. He’s very easy, and each week, when we tell a story, we do true/false afterwards by writing the statements on paper peanuts and feeding the elephant the true ones and stomping on the rotten (false) peanuts. Just take a cardboard box, tape the top shut, and glue on an elephant face out of construction paper (or foam). Cut out a mouth big enough for paper peanuts to fit through. Glue on ears and a trunk, being sure to glue the trunk only above the mouth so the children can lift it to insert the good peanuts. Color in wrinkles and eyes. Then, each week, write the true/false statements on construction paper pieces cut like peanuts and go around the circle. Each child selects a “peanut”, you read it to him, and the class decides whether he should feed it or stomp it! Just be sure you have at least one paper peanut for each child!
Hand-Outs: Feel free to use the coloring pages in the Parents' Guide for take homes at the end of the lesson.
Movie Nights and Parties: We will have supper after vespers on Saturday night while showing a small children’s movie. Only on marathon movie night are we having a feature for older children with overnight. We also have lots of parties planned, as well as the St. Nicholas gala festival.
2 cups flour Use pudding with food coloring!
1 cup salt Mix liquid starch and food coloring.
about 1 cup water Mix 3 T sugar, ½ cup cornstarch, and
food coloring 2 cups cold water. Cook over
bath oil, vegetable oil, peppermint oil low heat, stirring, till thick.
Mix flour and salt. Add water Pour into muffin tin. Add
slowly and mix with your fingers until food coloring to each cup.
it makes dough. Knead in a few drops
food coloring and a splotch of oil (if SAND PAINT
desired). Store in air-tight container. Add dry tempera paint to corn meal.
Sprinkle over areas “painted” with thinned white glue
1 cup sand for a sand effect. Shake off excess.
½ cup cornstarch
1 tsp powdered alum PASTES
¾ cup hot water PRIMARY PASTE
Food coloring if desired Mix ½ cup water and 1 cup flour
Mix sand, cornstarch and alum in a bowl. Spoon into a jar
in large pot. Add hot water and stir or squeeze bottle to store.
vigorously. Add food coloring if
desired. Cook over medium heat PAPIER MACHE PASTE
until thick, stirring constantly. 3 cups water
After cooling, store in airtight container. 1 ½ cups flour
Mix flour with cold water until lumps are gone.
2 cups fine sawdust Dip strips of newsprint in paste and mold around
1 cup flour surface to be shaped. Air dry.
Mix sawdust and flour in bowl
or bucket. Add a little water at a time,
stirring till it is stiff but pliable. Knead
till it’s elastic and easy to shape. Store
in airtight container. Air dry.
2 cups cornstarch
4 cups baking soda
2 ½ cups water
Mix cornstarch and soda in large
pot. Add water. Cook, stirring, over medium
heat until thick like mashed potatoes. After
cool, knead on wax paper for 5 minutes. Store
in an airtight container. Air dry.
1. Students should be able to tell the stories of these two great feasts.
2. Students should know the names of Joachim and Anna and Mary.
Possible Lesson Plan:
1. Open with prayer.
2. Read the story of the feasts:
There lived in the land of Israel a couple names Joachim and Anna. Joachim and Anna were Jews; God called the Jews His chosen, or special, people, and had given them His law and His prophets. Through the prophets, God had spoken to His special people, telling them that He would send His Son to be their king. And through the years, God had given the Jewish people many mighty and godly kings, like King David and King Solomon. Joachim and Anna were from the family of David. But, their own lives were sad because they had no children.
In those days, a family with no children was thought to be worthless. In church, Joachim and Anna could not give their gifts until all the families with children had finished worshipping. They were called cursed. Everyone thought that they must have done something very bad for God to punish them by not letting them have children. One day, when Joachim and Anna came to the temple to worship, a very cruel temple servant told them to go away and not to come back until all the people with children had finished!
Joachim and Anna left in silence. They were so sad. Anna went home, but Joachim went out to the desert mountains to pray and fast to the Lord. Anna stayed at home and also prayed and fasted. At the end of forty days, God sent an angel to Joachim as he prayed and one to Anna as she prayed. The angel told each of them something wonderful. God was going to give them a baby! Just like Sarah and Hannah, even though they were old, God was going to answer their prayers! Joachim hurried home to tell Anna the good news, but the angel had already told Anna. How happy they were! And, their baby would be the mother of the Messiah, the king that God had promised for hundreds of years.
What the angel had promised came true. Joachim and Anna, old as they were, did have a baby. They named their tiny girl Mary. She was truly beautiful. And they promised God that they would give her back to Him to serve Him.
Soon little Mary was three years old. She was traveling the long dusty road from her village of Nazareth to the gleaming city of Jerusalem. Her mother, Anna, and her father, Joachim, had promised her this journey as long as she could remember. It took five days to reach Jerusalem. Finally, instead of only dusty brown road, the travelers began to see the brightly-colored houses of Jerusalem. Then, as they came around the curve at the Mount of Olives, Mary saw the brilliant sun shining off the massive white and gold of the Temple. This was to be her home!
That very afternoon, Joachim and Anna dressed Mary in her very best clothes. They were happy, but sad, too. They would miss their little girl so much. But, a promise to God must be kept. Would Mary be lonely and afraid? They walked through the outer court of the temple, crowded with merchants, moneychangers, and sellers of all sorts of animals. As they reached the inner gate, Mary saw the temple virgins – young women dedicated to God – walking up the steps bearing torches of fire. This was truly her home! She left her parents and confidently climbed the same steps all by herself. The high priest gathered her in his arms and blessed her. Mary would stay there, living with the other girls, learning to fast and pray and to be pleasing to God. She was so happy!
The church celebrates the birthday of Mary on September 8. We celebrate her entrance into the temple on November 21.
3. Feed the Elephant True/False Questions:
True False
Mary’s parents were Joachim & Anna Mary’s father was Noah.
Mary was born in Nazareth. Mary was born in Jerusalem.
God sent an angel to Joachim & Anna. God called Joachim on the telephone
Mary climbed the temple steps by herself. Joachim carried Mary to the temple.
4. Review the story again, with the icons. Identify each figure. What was the role of each in the story? Ask the children: How did Joachim and Anna feel when they couldn’t have a child? How do you feel when people say bad things about you? Is it good to say bad things about other people? How did Mary feel when saying good-bye to her parents? Why did she climb the steps to the temple? Would you be brave enough to do that?
5. Have a birthday cake for Mary, complete with candles and song. If you feel particularly adventuresome, what about the children writing new words from their story for the “Happy Birthday” song?
6. Make the “Steps of the Temple.” Take a long piece of construction paper and fold like a fan into 15 steps (or fewer if it’s too hard). Using the pictures on the next page, copy and cut out each figure for each child. Color the figures and glue or tape a Popsicle stick behind each to make a puppet. Re-enact Mary climbing the steps of the temple.
7. Close with prayer.
Possible Lesson Plan:
True False
The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary. The angel Michael appeared to Mary
Mary was spinning thread. Mary was playing tag.
Mary was the mother of Jesus Anna was the mother of Jesus.
Annunciation means announcement. Annunciation means birthday.
Possible Lesson Plan:
True False
Elizabeth and Zachariah were very old. Elizabeth & Zachariah hated children
Zachariah was a priest. Elizabeth was a priest.
The angel Gabriel spoke to Zachariah. The angel spoke to Elizabeth.
Zachariah couldn’t speak. Elizabeth couldn’t see.
Elizabeth & Zachariah’s baby was John. Elizabeth & Zachariah’s baby was
Possible Lesson Plan:
True False
Jesus was born in a stable. Jesus was born in a palace.
Mary was Jesus’s mother. Elizabeth was Jesus’s mother.
Joseph was Mary’s husband. John was Mary’s husband.
Angels appeared to the shepherds. Goats appeared to the shepherds.
Christmas is Jesus’s birthday. Christmas is Mary’s birthday.
Nativity means birthday. Nativity means play day.
Mobiles really not your "think" or hangers in short supply? Then print the manger scene and the palm trees on cardstock. Cut them out with the slits. Children can color. Then use the slits to insert the palm trees and the entire scene will stand up!
Possible Lesson Plan:
True False
Mary & Joseph brought Jesus to the temple. Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the playground.
Simeon was an old man. Simeon was an angel.
Simeon and Anna were waiting for Jesus. Simeon and Anna were eating lunch
Simeon and Anna were god-fearing people. Simeon and Anna hated God.
Priest: Let us pray to the Lord. O Lord God Almighty, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, purify this woman, (name), from all sin and bless thou the child, (name), who is born of her. (Make the sign of the cross over the child.) As Thou, O Lord, wast brought on the fortieth day as an infant in to the Temple according to the Law by your mother, Mary, and wast carried in the arms of Simeon the Just, do Thou, O Master, bless this baby who is brought here. For unto thee are due all glory, thanksgiving and worship. Amen.
Possible Lesson Plan:
3. Feed the Elephant True/False Questions:
True False
Herod was King of Judea. Herod was one of the wise men.
The kings brought gifts for baby Jesus. The kings hated baby Jesus.
Herod hated baby Jesus. Herod loved baby Jesus.
The kings followed a star. The kings followed a kite.
Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Jesus was born in Baltimore.
4. Ask some questions: What were the gifts of the kings? Why did they bring these gifts? Why did Herod hate Jesus? What did God tell the wise men to do?
5. Make the Three Kings Stand-up Figures. Cut kings out of the pattern on the next page from blue, purple, red or other kingly colors of construction paper – one of each color for each child. Cut only the center section in white and glue inside the robe. Color face and hair. Use gold glitter glue for crowns. Finally, glue or tape a small gold chocolate coin inside one robe, a piece of incense inside another, and rub a bit of perfume or add a scratch and sniff sticker inside the third. Fold the robes closed and the figures will stand up. Open to see the gifts.
6. Close with prayer.
Possible Lesson Plan:
True False
An angel warned Joseph about the danger. Joseph heard a warning on the radio.
Mary and Jesus rode a donkey. Joseph, Mary, and Jesus rode a car.
Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Jesus was born in Egypt.
King Herod wanted to kill Jesus. King Herod loved Jesus.
6. Make Herod’s Soldiers: Take a toilet paper tube. Wrap it with a strip of red construction paper until it’s all covered. Use a thin strip of white paper for the face. Cut the helmet from gray and decorate with red feathers (like Roman soldiers). Cut thin strips of red for arms and glue on tiny white hands. Glue to your soldier. Finish by drawing in the face. Fancy? Decorate the “uniform” with gold metallic ribbon or braid and use chenille pipe-cleaners for arms to hold tiny swords or spears.
7. Close with prayer.
Possible Lesson Plan:
True False
Jesus grew up in Nazareth. Jesus grew up in Bethlehem.
Joseph was a carpenter. Joseph was a priest.
Jesus and his family went to Jerusalem. Jesus and his family went to Florida.
Jesus was found in the Temple. Jesus was playing tag on the street.
5. Reenact the journey to Jerusalem: Have children play the roles of Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and caravan members. Travel from your classroom to the sanctuary.
On the road to Jerusalem: Stop and ask “Why are you going to Jerusalem? What are you looking forward to? What do you see on the road?”
In the Temple: Stop and ask, “What are you doing in the Temple?” Have the whole class pray the Lord’s Prayer together in the sanctuary. Jesus stays in sanctuary; rest of class moves to vestibule.
In the vestibule, about ready to go home, ask, “Where are you ready to go now?” Are you happy about your trip to Jerusalem?”
Camping in the playground that night, ask, “Mary and Joseph, what have you just noticed? How do you feel? What will you do?”
Back in the sanctuary, ask “Jesus, what are you doing? Why did you stay behind? Mary and Joseph, how do you feel now that you’ve found Jesus? Jesus, what do you tell Mary and Joseph?”
Back to the classroom, ask, “Where are we now?” Did we have a good trip?”
6. Make “Taller and Taller”. Copy the face of Jesus pattern and cut out for each child, or cut circles for faces, and color. Cut hands and feet. Using strips of poster board and brads, assemble the growing apparatus. Glue on hands, feet, and heads. Watch Jesus grow up!
7. Close with prayer.
Possible Lesson Plan:
True False
Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River. Jesus was baptized in the Temple.
Jesus was baptized by John. Jesus was baptized by Joseph.
John was Jesus’s cousin. John was Jesus’s father.
The Holy Spirit appeared as a dove. The Holy Spirit appeared as a spider.
Possible Lesson Plan:
True False
Satan tempted Jesus. God tempted Jesus.
Jesus went to the desert after His baptism. Jesus went home to Nazareth.
Jesus didn’t eat or drink for 40 days. Jesus had plenty to eat and drink.
Possible Lesson Plans:
True False
Jesus went to a wedding at Cana. Jesus went to a wedding in Jerusalem
Mary asked Jesus for more wine. The bride asked Jesus for more wine.
Jesus turned water into wine. Jesus turned grapes into wine.
Jesus’s wine was the best ever. Jesus’s wine was sour and nasty.
Close with prayer.
Possible Lesson Plan:
True False
Andrew was the first called. Peter was the first called.
Peter and Andrew were brothers. Peter and John were brothers.
James and John were sons of Zebedee. Peter & James were sons of Zebedee.
Close with prayer.
Possible Lesson Plan:
True False
Matthew was a tax collector. Matthew was a doctor.
Jesus went to Matthew’s house. Jesus hated Matthew.
Matthew was Jesus’s disciple. Matthew hated Jesus.
Matthew gave back the money he stole. Matthew stole Jesus’s money.
6. Too messy? Try this one instead working on the 12 disciples, now all called by the Lord. Just write the names on ahead of time with a sharpie, let the children draw on faces and color, use glue dots to attach to carrying rod to make a nice display at home or in the car.
7. Close with prayer: Lord Jesus, help me to love even people who are not nice to me and to be like You.
Possible Lesson Plan:
Why was Jesus at the well? Where were the disciples? What was the woman doing? What did Jesus say to her? What did she do? The woman at the well is remembered as a saint to this day; her name is St. Photini. Have the children repeat the name a few times. What are their names?
True False
Jesus was sitting at a well. Jesus was sitting in his car.
A woman came to draw water. A woman came to buy a goat.
She went and told everyone to come. She went home for a nap.
Possible Lesson Plan:
True False
Jesus is the light of the world. Jesus is dark and cold.
God created light. Adam created light.
God blesses the poor in spirit. God blesses the braggers.
Possible Lesson Plan:
True False
Jesus was sleeping thru the storm. Jesus was afraid of the storm.
The disciples were afraid of the storm. The disciples loved storms at sea.
Jesus told the wind to be quiet. The boat sank.
Peter walked with Jesus on the water. John walked with Jesus on the water.
Snack today? Try Stormy Seas Jello – Make blue jello ahead of time in individual cups. Spray with whipped cream for clouds. Add piece of chocolate bar for boat, with whipped cream sail. Sprinkle with Swedish fish.
Possible Lesson Plan:
True False
Jesus was teaching in the wilderness. Jesus was in a restaurant.
The little boy had 5 loaves and 2 fish. The little boy had a steak and peas.
Jesus fed 5000 men from the blessed food. Jesus sent the people to town to buy food.
Possible Lesson Plan:
True False
Jesus shone with dazzling white robes. Jesus turned pink and purple.
Peter, James, and John came with Jesus. Mary and Joseph came with Jesus.
Jesus spoke with Moses and Elijah. Jesus spoke with King Herod.
8. Alternative easy craft: Cut out outline of Jesus on glitter paper (scrapbooking supplies) or white paper ahead of time (blow up the size to fit your paper). Have children color the “rays” with crayons, or, even better, with oil pastels on light blue cardstock. Now glue on the glittery Jesus in the center.
9. Close with prayer. Ask God to bless the fruit and crops now and every year.
Possible Lesson Plan:
True False
The man was traveling to Jericho. The man was traveling to Bethlehem.
The man was hurt by robbers. The man had a safe and boring trip.
The priest passed the man without helping. The priest helped the man.
The Samaritan man helped the hurt man. The Samaritan hated the hurt man.
Possible Lesson Plan:
True False
A parable is a story with a hidden meaning. A parable is a comic strip.
The sower is Jesus or God. The sower is the devil.
The seeds are God’s words or teachings. We are the seeds.
We are the soil. God is the soil.
Possible Lesson Plan:
True False
Zaccheus was a tax collector. Zaccheus was a priest.
Zaccheus was a short man. Zaccheus was the tallest man in town
Zaccheus climbed a tree. Zaccheus flew in a balloon.
Jesus went to Zaccheus’s house. Jesus walked right by Zaccheus.
Possible Lesson Plan:
Jesus told a story called a parable to the people. A parable is a story that teaches a lesson. This story is about two men who both went to the temple to pray. A temple is like a church. One of these was a Pharisee. Can you say “Pharisee”? A Pharisee was a man who spent his life studying the law of Moses and praying. He wore special clothes that told everyone he was a Pharisee. But this man came to the temple bragging to God about how good he was, and how wonderful were the things that he did, and how he wasn’t at all like other men. He stood tall with his own pride in all his deeds for God. His prayer was full of self-love, not love of God.
Another man was there. He was a Publican. Can you say “Publican”? A publican was a tax collector. In that day, some men collected taxes for the hated Romans and often stole some of the money for themselves. This man was sorry for his sins. He asked God to forgive him for his sins. He was so sad, he couldn’t even raise his head off the ground.
Jesus asked the people which prayer was heard by God? The Pharisee or the Publican? Of course, God would listen to the prayer of a holy man like the Pharisee, but not that of a hated tax collector. Jesus told the people that God honored the prayer of the tax collector who humbled himself before God and not the prayer of the Pharisee, full of pride and self-love
What is a publican? Who else have we met who is a tax collector? (Zaccheus and Matthew) Review their stories briefly. What did the publican pray? What is a Pharisee? (a respected man of the temple) What did he pray? Which did God listen to? Why?
True False
A publican is a tax collector. A publican is a teacher.
A Pharisee is a respected man of the temple. A Pharisee is a garbage collector.
God listened to the prayer of the publican. God listened to the Pharisee.
Possible Lesson Plan:
True False
The son left home with his money. The son stayed home with daddy.
The son spent all his money. The son saved his money carefully.
The son had to feed the pigs. The son worked in the market.
The father was happy the son came home. The father hated the son.
Eyes and nose Arms
Possible Lesson Plan:
2. Tell the parable of the Last Judgment: Jesus said, “When the Son of man comes, he will be like a king sitting on a throne. All around the throne will be angels and in front of the throne will be all the peoples of the earth. Then the King will judge the people. He will separate the good people from the bad people. He will have the good people stand on his right side and he will say to them, ‘ Come, O good children of my Father. Receive the beautiful Kingdom that God created for you in the beginning. You have lived as my Father wanted you to live, for when I was hungry, you gave me food to eat, when I was thirsty, you gave me something to drink, when I came as a stranger, you welcomed me, when I was naked, you clothed me, when I was sick, you visited me, when I was in prison, you came to see me.’ Then the people will answer the King: ‘ Lord, when did we see you and do all these things for you?’ And the King will answer, ‘If you were kind or helped anyone who needed help, you helped me. The good things you did to them, you did to me.’ Then the King will say to those at his left side, ‘Because you didn’t help anyone, or weren’t kind or generous to anyone, you didn’t show kindness to me.’ Therefore the King will send them away to be punished forever, but to the good people, he will give life forever in his kingdom.”
7. Close with prayer. Have each child specifically select a Last Judgment good deed to do this week.
Possible Lesson Plan:
True False
The paralytic man could not walk. The paralytic man could not see.
There was a big crowd around Jesus. Jesus was all alone in the house.
The man’s friends cut a hole in the roof. The friends went in the window.
Jesus forgave the man’s sins. Jesus told the friends to carry the
Jesus healed the man and he could walk. man back home.
Possible Lesson Plan:
Possible Lesson Plan:
True False
Mary liked to sit at Jesus’s feet. Martha sat and listened to Jesus.
Martha was very busy getting things done. Mary was busy getting things done.
Lazarus was very sick and died. Lazarus had a little cold.
Mary and Martha were Lazarus’s sisters. Elizabeth and Anna were Lazarus’s sisters.
Jesus told Lazarus to come out. Jesus told Lazarus to take a bath.
Possible Lesson Plan:
True False
Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey. Jesus entered Jerusalem on an elephant.
The people were happy to see Jesus. The people shouted, “Crucify him!”
The people shouted “Hosanna!” The disciples stole the donkey.
The children waved palm branches. Jesus entered Rome on Palm Sunday.
People made a carpet for Jesus with People threw rocks at Jesus.
with their coats.
Possible Lesson Plan:
True False
Jesus washed his disciples’ feet. Jesus washed his hair.
Jesus blessed the bread and wine. Jesus blessed the broccoli.
Judas Iscariot went to betray Jesus. Peter went to betray Jesus.
Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus danced a jig in the garden.
The disciples fell asleep. The disciples prayed with Jesus.
Judas kissed Jesus to betray Him. Judas cut off Jesus’s ear.
This is the way we hold our hands, hold our hands…
This is the way we open our mouths, open our mouths…
This is the way we kiss the chalice, kiss the chalice…
This is the way we cross ourselves, cross ourselves…
7. Make a Communion Mobile. Glue the picture onto a paper plate and decorate the rim in a creative way. Color the icon and cut it out paper-plate size. Glue on the back. Punch hole at top. Attach string so it can spin; remind the children that Holy Communion was begun at the Last Supper.
Possible Lesson Plan:
3. Feed the Elephant True/False Questions:
True False
Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus was arrested at home.
Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss. Judas hit Jesus with a sword.
Peter denied knowing Jesus 3 times. Peter denied Jesus 20 times.
The soldiers put a crown of thorns on Jesus. The soldiers gave Jesus gold.
Pontius Pilate judged Jesus. Moses judged Jesus.
Joseph of Arimathea buried Jesus. Pilate buried Jesus.
Possible Lesson Plan:
True False
Jesus rose from the dead on Pascha. Jesus rose from the dead on Palm Sunday.
Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus. Jesus was crucified on Pascha.
Jesus was crucified on Holy Friday. Caiphas, the high priest, loved Jesus.
Two Marys went to the tomb. Mary and Mary saw a snake in the tomb.
The noble Joseph of Arimathea Peter never denied he knew Jesus.
buried Jesus’s body.
English: Christ is risen! Indeed He is risen!
Greek: Christos anesti! Alethos anesti!
Russian: Christos voskrese! Voistinue voskrese!
Arabic: Al-masi-kam! Haq an qaam!
Possible Lesson Plan:
True False
Thomas was a disciple. Thomas was a thief.
Thomas didn’t believe the other disciples. Thomas saw Jesus before anyone.
Jesus appeared also to Thomas. Thomas never saw Jesus.
Thomas bowed and worshipped Jesus. Thomas ran away from Jesus.
6. Make a Nailed Cross: Take a wooden cross, found at any craft shop, one for each child. This can also be done with Styrofoam. Spray paint it ahead of time; or let the children paint it. We have lots of hammers and nails. Let them hammer nails in; suggest the hands and feet position, but likely you’ll find nails everywhere. Remind them that Jesus showed Thomas the prints of the nails.
No nails or children a bit to young for hammer and nails? Why not take a piece of construction paper. Have children trace their hands and cut out. Glue to the construction paper and color a red circle in each one on the palm. Add the exclamation of Thomas, "My Lord and my God".
7. Close with prayer.
Possible Lesson Plan:
True False
The women went to the tomb on Sunday. The women went on Saturday.
The women carried myrrh. The women carried wine.
They found the tomb empty. They found Jesus’s body.
They told the disciples Jesus was risen. They cried and fell asleep.
4. Add your sample sachet, made below, to your Pascha story bag, along with a red egg for Mary Magdalene, discussed at the Opening Exercises. Can the children recognize the other items in the bag and tell their stories?
5. Discuss a bit burial customs. Have any of the children been to a funeral or vigil? What are our customs? See if the children can remember singing “Memory Eternal” or eating koliva. The Jewish custom was to rub the body with myrrh. Why couldn’t the women do it Friday night? (the Sabbath) Where do we go to visit someone who has died? (cemetery) Where was Jesus’s body put after He died? Can you remember whose tomb it was? We usually bury people in the ground and fill the grave with dirt. How was the tomb of Jesus sealed? (stone) How did the women feel when the stone was rolled away? How would you feel if the grave of a loved one were found dug up? But, Jesus’s body wasn’t stolen; He told the women He had risen from the dead! How did they feel now? What did they do?
6. Make Sachets: Take a small circle of fabric or tulle for each child – or several? Fill each with spices – cinnamon, cloves, etc. Tie with ribbon or yarn. Give to mom for Mother’s Day to put in her drawers. Remind the children that the myrrh-bearing women brought sweet-smelling spices for Jesus. Can they tell the story?
7. Close with prayer.
Possible Lesson Plan:
True False
The men were going to Emmaeus. The men were going to Nazareth.
They met Jesus on the way. They met John the Baptist.
Jesus told them all about the Bible. Jesus told them “The Three Pigs”.
They knew Jesus when He broke bread. They never knew who Jesus was.
4. Add a flip flop to your Pascha Story Bag for the Road to Emmaeus, or some pretend bread or both, plus a plastic fish for the Appearance to the Fishermen discussed at Opening Exercises. Again review the contents of the bag with the children. No plastic fish? Make a “Jesus Fish” from a pipe cleaner.
5. This is a good time to review, as Jesus did, the span of the Old Testament and prophets and what they said about the Messiah. When did people first disobey God? Review the story of Adam and Eve. Over and over, God saved His people: Noah and the ark, Abraham and Isaac, Moses and Passover, Jonah and the big fish, the three boys in the fire, Daniel in the lion’s den. Look at the pictures in the Read with Me Bible. In each case, God provided the means of saving His people. What were they? (ark, ram, blood of lamb, fish, Jesus Himself, an angel) He gave His people His law, the Ten Commandments, but they disobeyed even that. Now He has given His Son to save us all!
6. Re-enact the scene as the men broke bread with Jesus. Have the students sit in a circle. Have some really tasty bread, with butter and jam ready. Remember to pray before eating. The teacher then can tear off a piece of bread for each student and everyone can eat the bread with butter and jam.
7. Make Prosphora in class. Tell the students that this is the bread that Father uses for Communion. It would be best to mix the dough at home:
3 cups warm water Mix warm water and yeast first
2 tablespoons fast rise yeast
5 pounds bread flour Add flour, salt, and cool water and knead
3 cups cool water
1 ½ tablespoons salt
Let the dough rise during Liturgy in the kitchen (not in oven). Divide into a loaf for each child and let the children knead and shape the loaves and stamp them. Take them home again to bake. Help each child to make a list of relatives, living and dead, for Father to pray for.
8. Make a plaster footprint. Take a paper plate for each child. Mix plaster of Paris, pour into plates, and allow to thicken till it’s like dough. Have children take off their shoes and each can step in the plaster on his plate, making a footprint. Clean their feet and put shoes back on. Remind the children that the men were traveling by foot to Emmaeus when Jesus appeared to them. By now, the plaster’s already nearly set. Let the children paint only the part that is not the footprint. Before the plaster completely dries, poke a hole about ½ inch from the top. Write the child’s name above the footprint in black permanent marker, and “Follower of Jesus” below. Next week, when the casts are fully dry, remove the plates and tie a ribbon through the hole. This would make a nice Father’s Day gift next month.
9. Close with prayer.
Possible Lesson Plan:
True False
Jesus rose into heaven on Ascension. Jesus died on the cross on Ascension
Mary and the disciples were there. Noah rode him to heaven on an ark.
Jesus told the people that He would Jesus told everyone He hated them.
always be with them.
Jesus is still alive in heaven Jesus is dead and gone.
Jesus told his disciples to wait in Jesus told his disciples to go home
Jerusalem. and go fishing.
4. Pascha Story Bag is almost full now: Add a tiny globe (like a keychain globe, or use a light green tiny ball and color in the oceans with a blue Sharpie ahead of time) for the “Great Commission” and a cotton ball for the clouds into which Jesus ascended. Include a pair of dice for the choosing of Matthias discussed at Opening Exercises.
5. Was this a sad or a happy story? What did Jesus promise? (That He would always be with us.) Why are Jesus’s hands spread? (He’s blessing us.) What did He tell His followers to do? (To go to Jerusalem and wait for a helper from God.) Where is Jesus now? (in heaven)
6. Discuss the butterfly. Use pictures from the library or the encyclopedia. Show the caterpillar, the cocoon, and then the butterfly. Let the children crawl on the floor for a few minutes like caterpillars, then curl up very tight and still like cocoons, then leap up and fly like butterflies. Is this the same individual – the caterpillar, the cocoon, and the butterfly? So Jesus was born as a man, died, and rose into heaven – each a different form but the same God.
7. Make rising Jesus: Take a light blue paper cup and have children glue cotton balls to the outside like clouds. Then have them color the picture of Jesus, printed on heavy paper right from the icon, sized appropriately for your printer. Have hole punched in center top of cup and a string for each child about 18 inches long inserted thru the hole. Tie Jesus to the bottom of the string, hold at the top, and watch him rise into the clouds of the sky!
Possible Lesson Plan:
True False
The Holy Spirit came down on Pentecost Jesus was born on Pentecost.
Mary and the disciples were in Jerusalem. Pentecost happened in Rome.
Tongues of fire appeared over the heads. Elephants appeared over their heads.
A great wind filled the room. The roof leaked and rain poured in.
The disciples spoke in many languages. The disciples crawled off and hid.
Possible Lesson Plan:
“Our Father”: What’s a father like? Who is your father on earth? God is our father, too.
“Who art in Heaven”: Where does God live? What’s heaven like?
“Hallowed be Thy name”: “hallowed” means “holy”; what’s holy mean?
“Thy kingdom come”: What is God’s kingdom?
“Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”: Why do things happen to us? Who is in charge?
“Give us this day our daily bread”: Did Jesus feed the 5000?
“Forgive us our trespasses”: Do we ever do anything wrong? Do we need forgiveness?
“As we forgive those who trespass against us”: Has anyone ever done anything unkind to you? Have you forgiven that person?
“And lead us not into temptation”: Remember Jesus’s temptations? Is it hard to always obey God?
“But deliver us from evil”: Who is the source of evil? Did Jesus win even over the devil?