
Possible Lesson Plan:
- Open with prayer.
- Scripture Reference: Numbers 22-24. This is a more esoteric story from the Scriptures and may be less familiar to the students. It is also a great story for kids – full of donkeys and flaming angels, bad guys and good guys. Have the students write a short skit (as if they were going to perform it for the smaller children in opening exercises next week) as a means of summarizing the material; if they really enjoy it, they can always actually do the performance!
- Service References: Balaam prophesies the Magi in the forefeast of the Nativity: “The riddles of Balaam, the soothsayer and diviner, are now fulfilled. For a star has dawned from Jacob and led the Magi, Kings from Persia bringing gifts, towards the Sun of Glory.” And “Thou hast filled with joy the watchers of the stars, who interpreted wisely the words of Balaam, the soothsayer of old.” Balaam’s words, “He shall rule over nations, and His Kingdom shall be exalted in grace and shall remain perpetually” refer to Christ according to the Nativity matins.
Discussion: Let’s take a break from deep discussions this week. Let the teens relax, make paper-plate masks for their skit, and practice it for the youngsters!
- Close with prayer.