Possible Lesson Plan:
Another event in the life of Abraham, the entertaining of the three men in Genesis 18:1-16, is contained in the answer of the angel to Mary on Annunciation when she asks how her womb could contain “Him whom the wide spaces of the heavens cannot contain? ‘O Virgin, let the tent of Abraham that once contained God teach thee: for it prefigured thy womb, which now receives the Godhead.’” Church tradition, shown in the famous icon of the 3 persons of the trinity sitting at a table, sees the three men as the three persons of the Trinity. What do you think?
God’s blessing the marriage of Abraham and Sarah is referenced in the marriage rite. What aspects of their marriage were admirable? Which not so admirable?
St. Andrew of Crete, in his canon, sung the first week of Great Lent, exhorts us “Having heard, O my soul, how Abraham left the land of his ancestors to become a wanderer, imitate his resolution. At the Oak of Mamre the Patriarch Abraham offered hospitality to angels, and in his old age inherited the prize of God's promise. O my wretched soul, knowing Isaac to be a new sacrifice mystically offered to the Lord, imitate also his resolution.” Do we have the perseverance of Abraham to follow God’s path?
Get a little exercise after all this reading: Get up and tell the students to follow you. Lead them somewhere else in the house. Ask them, if you’d been Abram, what three questions would you have had for God before beginning the journey? Now have them hold hands in a long line and close their eyes; lead them back. What feelings did they experience? What feelings might Abram have experienced?
What people do they know who have demonstrated faith? Give an example of their faith in action. Has anyone had a recent experience that caused him or her to take a risk totally on faith? How did it work out? Why? If God needed something done right now and called on us to do it, what faith qualities do we have that would help us get the job done? Have students each make a list. What faith qualities still need some work?