- Children should identify Elisha as the disciple of Elijah.
- Children should be able to tell the stories of Elisha and Naaman.
Possible Lesson Plan:
- Open with prayer.
- Scripture Reference: 4 Kingdoms/II Kings 4:1-36 and chapter 5. We are entering the days of the kings, good and wicked. For over 100 years, Judah,the southern kingdom, enjoyed mostly good kings and prosperity. But, Israel had one wicked king after another until it finally fell to Assyria.
- Learning Game: Let’s try a skit about Naaman – Assign the roles of Naaman, Elisha, King of Syria, little slave girl, Naaman’s wife, and Gehazi. If you want, bring some sheets, towels, scarves, etc., to add a bit of color to the parts.
- Discuss the importance of obedience: God spoke to Naaman through Elisha. Did Naaman want to obey God? Or did Naaman think that what Elisha asked of him was silly? Who else obeyed God, even though it made him look silly? Noah building the ark? Moses holding his staff over the Red Sea? Joshua marching around Jericho? Gideon with his lamp pots and trumpets? David with his sling against Goliath? Do we always understand why we should obey our parents? God? Or do we always ask, “Why?” and miss the miracle.

- Make a Naaman mobile:
Cut six 4x4-inch pieces of cardstock paper For each student. On 2 pieces draw the top half of Naaman. On 1 piece draw the bottom half of Naaman. Color 1 side of each blank piece blue for the Jordan River. Color sores on one top half of Naaman.
Take a 2-foot piece of string for each student. Line up 2 water sections and one head section about one inch apart. Put a line of glue down the center of each piece. Lay the string on the glue. Line up the other head, the body, and the last water piece over the other pieces and glue down.
As the mobile hangs, it will twist and turn, showing Naaman dipping in the wate and being healed.
- Close with prayer.